Gormanston will house Ukrainian refugees, only as 'last resort'
As large numbers of people feeling the war in Ukraine continue to arrive in Ireland, the army have been constructing a tented village which will only be used only as a last resort.
Soldiers from the Ordnance Corps and the Engineering Corps began work last week on the tents which are erected on solid raised bases.
The tents will only be used if hotels and other spaces have run out.
“Following a request from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), the Defence Forces commenced the preparation of accommodation in Gormanston Camp for Ukrainians seeking protection in Ireland,” according to a statement.
“The accommodation at Gormanston is being prepared as a contingency due to the unprecedented nature of the situation.”
To date, Ukrainian arrivals who have sought accommodation have been accommodated through the International Protection Accommodation Service.
Preparations are being ramped-up to provide accommodation in hotels, guest houses and B&Bs. Accommodation pledged by the general public is being assessed for suitability
Other options include state-owned or private properties which may be suitable for short-term accommodation , religious properties and Local authority community facilities.
“All accommodation options are being considered in the context of the evolving situation,” according to the statement.