Half a century of Scoil Naomh Barra marked in Wilkinstown
Pupils, past pupils, parents, and teachers past and present all came together on Thursday 26th May to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of Scoil Naomh Barra in Wilkinstown. The school opened its doors on 20th September 1971 and was the new home for the pupils of the old schools at Wilkinstown and nearby Kilberry.
The anniversary celebrations, which were delayed until this year due to Covid, kicked off with performances in the school hall by the present pupils while music from past pupils kept the crowd entertained outside, as the community gathered to look back over the past 50 years.
Speeches from Fr John O’Brien, PP, current principal James Minnock, and former principal, Michael Forry, paid tribute to the staff past and present, to the parents and members of the wider school community who have worked to fundraise over the years to provide the community with the fabulous facilities that the school offers to children today.
The event was also commemorated with a 50th anniversary book compiled by members of the Parent Association. The book includes memories from past pupils, lots of old class photos, a history of the school and more.
Also in attendance were some of the long serving teachers who had since retired from the school - Nuala Tallon, Antoinette Noone, Maria Rogers and Kathleen Meade.
Refreshments were donated by Lilyphil Foods & Doughty’s Service Station Wilkinstown while XL Service Station in Kilberry donated treat bags for the children. Music came from Peadar Farrelly, Richie Farrelly and Michael McGarry.
All classes performed a dance routine to a compilation of songs from the last five decade, choreographed by Áine Farrelly.
To finish off the celebration the current pupils sang a song, specially composed for the anniversary by music teacher Harry Long, and released 50 red and blue balloons to mark the occasion.