Ratoath residents protest to highlight lack of facilities

Residents of Ratoath held a protest last Saturday over the lack of infrastructure and facilities in the village.

The need for playgrounds, a park, library, Garda station, primary care centre and facilities for young people were among the issues highlighted.

Residents also expressed opposition to any new Strategic Housing Developments (SHD) until current investigations into An Bord Pleanala are completed.

Local resident Eilish Balfe said she had been contacted by a number of people to say that they are very concerned about the future development of the village.

“There are so many issues causing concern in their own right: water shortages; what looks like planning permissions being granted without the infrastructure in place; unsafe roads and paths; no public parks; no library; no garda station; no primary care centre; lack of facilities for young people.

“What people want to see is some type of united and planned approach to the issues.”

Ms Balfe, who is a Labour representative for the area said: “The aim is to encourage all the local community groups and councillors to come together to address the issues in a united and planned way,” she said.

One of Saturday's protesters, Yvonne Everard said Ratoath has a large population, but a serious lack of facilities.

“The water has been off three times in the last fortnight.

“The lack of outdoor facilities became really obvious during Covid. “We have no walkways or parks where people can go and meet up.

“We don't want any new strategic housing development until we have proper facilities and until the current investigation into An Bord Pleanala is complete,” she said.

Among the developments residents have expressed concern about is a SHD by Beo properties Ltd currently undergoing the planning process.

The plans are for a massive 452 home development, spread out over 12 neighbourhoods, on lands to the south of Ratoath village.

The development is proposed for 14 hectares site on existing agricultural lands located immediately to the south of the existing built area of Ratoath.

Cllr Gillian Toole pointed out that part of the development would be six storeys high with a very high housing density.

“The phasing doesn't deliver community facilities straight away. There are proposals for a civic space and creche but they will not be in the first phase,” she pointed out.

“The development will see Glascarn Lane become a cul de sac.”

Cllr Toole said she has proposed that no new housing units be occupied until the inner relief road is complete and the water supply is reliable.

“I don't believe any planning permission should be granted for Strategic Housing Developments until the investigation into Bord Pleanala is completed,” she said.

Cllr Nick Killian said that many residents have concerns about the Beo development.

“There are concerns that Glascarn Lane will become a cul de sac.

“A high density is proposed and people are worried about the water supply in Ratoath.

“The development will see the completion of the outer ring road, but the Ballybin Road needs upgrading to link into it and I am calling for it to be upgraded,” he said.

“We also need facilities like a library and park, but unfortunately the council doesn't own land in the area,” he said.