Drop-in consultation on Enfield’s ‘Town Centre First’ plan
Meath County Council is holding a drop-in event in Enfield on Thursday 28th July as part of public consultation on the 'Town Centre First' plan for Enfield which will shape the future development of the town.
Locals are encouraged to come along to the event which takes place between 4pm and 7pm in Enfield Community College. The plan is at the very early stages and the initial consultation is now under way where the consultants engaged by the council to develop the plan will meet with locals and find out their views on how the centre of Enfield should be developed going forward and what should be included in the plan.
An online survey is open until 10th August with links on www.meath.ie, and the public is encouraged to have their say on the plan. The Paul Hogarth Company has been appointed by the council to develop the plan.
Enfield is one of 26 towns nationally - one in each county - awarded funding of €100,000 to develop a town centre first plan, as part of the Government's Town Centre First policy published in February to "create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community".
Launching the consultation process, cathaoirleach of the Trim Municipal District Cllr Joe Fox said: "I am very pleased that Enfield has been given this opportunity. Great progress has been made to bring improvements to the town and through this new plan, we can sustain momentum and build upon that success in years to come".
James Hennessy, director of the Paul Hogarth Company, said: "We are delighted to be working in Enfield and look forward to working with local people, groups and businesses to understand the needs of the town and to develop an exciting plan for its future."
The initial consultation will inform the draft plan with further consultation to be carried out once the draft is published. When completed, the plan will be used to seek funding and attract investment into the town.
Enfield Development Group is encouraging everyone to get involved in the plan, saying: "This is your chance to put your views forward on how Enfield should develop and what you want to see in the town. Be it the plans for a park and ride in the town, other transport and parking issues, cycle lanes, lack of community facilities, lights on the ring road, the streetscape and public realm.”