Batterstown water main replacement to be completed by end of the year
A NEW watermain serving Batterstown, which should see the end to the long-standing boil water notice in the area, is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
Irish Water is working with Meath County Council to lift the warning as quickly as possible.
The boil water notice was imposed as a precaution on 13th December 2021 to protect the health of 96 customers supplied by Batterstown Public Water Supply following a Bromate exceedance in the water supply. The bromate exceedance was caused by a combination of disinfection methods at the plant combined with naturally-occurring bromide in the source water.
The works involve the construction of over 1.6km of new water mains and ancillary works linking Batterstown to Dunshaughlin Water Treatment Plant, replacing the local water supply and providing customers with a safer and more secure supply.
All customers on this supply are advised to boil water before use until further notice.
Michael Cunniffe, Asset Operations Lead with Irish Water, said: “We acknowledge the impact of the Boil Water Notice on the community of Batterstown. Irish Water would like to reassure impacted customers that our drinking water compliance and operational experts are prioritising a project to upgrade the water supply with a view to removing the Boil Water Notice as quickly and as safely as possible in consultation and agreement with the HSE.
“Public health is Irish Water’s number one priority and this Boil Water Notice has been put in place as a precaution to protect customers.
“Where risks to water quality are identified through Irish Water’s enhanced testing and monitoring programme, Boil Water Notices are issued in order to safeguard public health. In all instances immediate action is taken to address the cause of the issue in order to lift the notice as quickly as possible, in agreement with the HSE.”
“Water must be boiled for drinking, drinks made with water, preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating, brushing of teeth, making of ice - make ice from cooled boiled water.
“Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water. Infant feeds should be with water that has been brought to the boil once and cooled.
“Do not use water that has been re-boiled several times. If bottled water is used for the preparation of infant feeds it should be boiled once and cooled.