Residents' anger at plan to cut trees

Residents from one of Navan's oldest estates , Connolly Avenue, say they are appalled at plans to remove the trees on their avenue to make room for a cycleway.

They have set up a petition calling on the council to stop the destruction of the trees and find an alternative.

The petition was set up by Hazel Alder Lane, who grew up on the avenue.

"There is absolutely no need to cut the trees. There is room there for a cycleway. All they have to do is put a slipway into the avenue and incorporate the cycleway into the avenue, and leave the trees alone.

"This is a very old part of Navan and the residents are mostly elderly. They received no notification of the proposals, they only learned of it when the council arrived last Thursday and started taking up bushes.

"Many of the residents aren't online and wouldn't have been looking up the plans. They were told on Thursday that the trees would be cut down.

"There were tears in the eyes of some of the residents. They are every upset as they have sentimental value."

"We are appealing to the council to look at alternatives and we are urging people to support out campaign to save the trees by signing our petition on," she said.