Commercial airplane approaching the runway

‘The windows shake as the planes fly overhead’...Flight paths misery for residents

Life is becoming a nightmare for residents of the Greenogue area outside Ashbourne since the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) revised flight paths at the end of last month, according to local residents.

They claim their homes shake, windows and chimneys rattle, the noise is deafening and there has been no engagement with them.

Meanwhile, for residents of The Wotton, the noise which has been ongoing since the new runway opened last year, is still continuing despite the recent changes.

Emmet Currie said since the flight paths changed on 23rd February, the noise of planes has been deafening at his home at Greenogue.

“The windows shake as the planes fly overhead. There has been no noise mitigation work done on any of the houses in this area.

“I recorded flights going directly over our house at just over 3,000 feet on a flight radar app. Sometimes they are going overhead every 90 seconds.

“For the few days after they started the new fight paths, they were flying at a very low height over our houses, but then it was quiet for a while - I think they were taking off from the south runway at that time, but now it is as bad as ever.

“The DAA announced on the 22nd of February that they will engage with every household under the new flight path, but when I emailed them in relation to the noise I got an email back stating that the flights from early morning use the south runway and they didn't answer my question if the new flight paths are the new full time flight paths, so there has not been much engagement there.

“We bought our house in September 2021 and at the time, I checked if it would be under a flight path and it wasn't.”

Meanwhile The Wotton Resident Association has sought a meeting with Meath Co Council about the environmental impact the new flight paths have had on the community. A spokesperson said flights are going “directly over our houses from morning until evening, creating an unwelcome and substantial increase in noise levels in this immediate locality and in Ashbourne and Ratoath.

“We are also concerned with the environmental impact of pollution from the engines of these aircraft.

“The noise is causing windows to shake and rattle. At least three of our neighbours are on medication from the stress of the noise.

“We are not opposed to the operation of the airport. Indeed, it is a much-needed piece of national infrastructure and is a major employer to the South Meath and North County Dublin areas. Our issue lies with the change in operation of the airport since the opening of this new runway late last year and the impact that it is having on our daily lives, not to mention the possible health implications caused by disturbance and pollution. There are numerous reports that prove the adverse health and psychological effects of these disturbances and of such pollution.” Deputy Darren O'Rourke, called the DAA's introduction of the new north runway at Dublin Airport “a shambles” saying the revised flight paths which came into effect last month are worse than ever for some Meath residents.

“Revised flight paths came into effect on 23rd February and instead of seeing an improvement, some residents in Meath have reported a very significant increase in noise pollution and in aircraft fumes. This is particularly the case in the Greenogue area outside Ashbourne.

“These houses were never planned to be on the flight path but now the windows are shaking with the noise of planes flying over every tree minutes. Householders were never notified and homes were not insulated. It is hugely frustrating.

“This is an absolute shambles by the DAA. They have completely failed to prepare for the operation of the new runway. They planned for one set of flight paths. Once they opened the runway they had to change these and now, in a supposed effort to rectify their mistake, the updated flight paths which came into operation last month have made matters worse. It's a complete mess.

“There are lots of questions for DAA to answer about their handling of this whole saga, about the operation of the new flight paths and about the mitigations for householders and local communities. I have written to them seeking answers.”

Meath County Council Cathaoirleach, Cllr Nick Killian said he was meeting with the Wotton Residents Association. “I am very concerned about the noise levels of planes flying over Co Meath especially in the Ashbourne and Ratoath areas. It is terrible at the moment, and I cannot imagine what it will be like when the airport gets busier over the summer,” he said .

In a statement the DAA said balancing the needs of a growing airport and the requirements of its nearest residents is an “ongoing challenge”.

It said the new flight paths had undergone the required regulatory review and took into account factors such as other airfield airspace and parallel runway operations.

The statement said it expected a small number of dwellings which were previously on the verge of eligibility for mitigation measures may become eligible as a result of these revised flight paths. It intends to engage with these dwellings regarding the required mitigations as soon as possible, and that 18 new noise monitoring terminals will be added to the 13 that are already in place.