Poetry Corner - An Easter reflection

One Easter

Went to confession the day before

and said our acts of contrition before the altar

looking forward to what always felt like

the second most important day of the yearly calendar.

After breakfast we walked to mass as a family

to celebrate Easter dressed in our Sunday best

came home for lunch and opened our Easter Eggs

there was far too much to eat in just one sitting.

Yorkie, Smarties, Mars and Roses to name but a few

some boxes had bars at the bottom

in others the chocolate eggs

were filled with chocolates in small plastic bags.

We went visiting after this to collect more eggs

straight over to my grandparents

we drove all the way across the city in light traffic

to spend the rest of the afternoon with our relatives.

Uncles and aunts had called to give us even more eggs

much more than we could manage or even arrange.

We sat in the sitting room under the yellow pelmet

against the background of the blue floral wallpaper

with the sunlight streaming through the net curtains

eating chocolate all that afternoon

not realising at the time how precious it all was

until many years later

as the sand

was moving in the hourglass

the whole time

unknown to all of us.

Gavin Bourke