Is it really a Fair Deal?

HSE nursing homes in Meath receive an average of €923 more per resident than private or voluntary nursing homes under Fair Deal scheme.

Recently published figures reveal HSE nursing homes across the country receive an average 69 per cent more (€744), per resident, per week, under Fair Deal fees.

This year, St Joseph's Community Nursing Home unit is receiving €2,184 and Beaufort House €1,841 per resident per week, an average of €2,013 per HSE nursing home, in comparison to an average of €1,090 per resident in Meath's 18 private and voluntary facilities.

Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) say the HSE figures "reveal the level of discrimination applied by the State in the funding of its nursing homes."

Tadhg Daly, NHI CEO states: “While the funding crisis has led to the closure of over 20 nursing homes the past year, the already considerable gulf in payments to HSE nursing homes has increased.

"The chasm in how the State funds its own nursing homes represents discrimination against nursing home residents and those entrusted in meeting their health and social care needs. It is discriminatory use of public funding and private and voluntary nursing homes are forced to close while HSE nursing homes receive multiples in funding.”

NHI has called on Government to expedite its stated commitment to implement measures to bring stability to the sector, which was recently reiterated within its Sláintecare progress report.

“A cost of care crisis continues to present for nursing home care in Ireland, with 20 nursing homes closing their doors the past year. It is a crisis that has been acknowledged by Government on a long-standing basis, yet repeated promises to bring into effect a response are still outstanding.

“It is irresponsible and bitterly disappointing that it has now stalled on implementation of a policy paper to provide the sector with much needed direction.

“Communities are losing nursing home care services and this will have very detrimental implications and leave health and social care without vital services. The closures will continue until urgent stability and confidence is brought into being by Government," said Mr Daly.