Urgent remedial repairs needed on estate ‘riddled with potholes’

A RECENT incident in which a driver hit a pothole, losing control of his car and crashing into the kerb, has led to renewed calls for remedial works to the entrance of Limekiln Wood in Navan.

Frustrated residents say the situation is very dangerous and is costing a fortune in car repairs, as the entrance is riddled with potholes.

They say it has been badly neglected as nobody is taking responsibility for it anymore.

"The estate hasn't been taken in charge by the council and they won't do anything about the potholes until it is," said Ciaran Hanrahan who has lived in the estate for over 20 years.

The original planned entrance to the estate, which was built by Cusack Homes, wasn't constructed and instead a road entrance was provided though Limekiln Hall.

The entrance issue meant the estate couldn't be taken in charge by the council who have no responsibility to do anything on the estate until it's under their charge.

Mr Hanrahan says the entrance to the estate is in bits and nobody will take responsibility for it.

"It is dangerous. A driver lost control after hitting a pothole and hit a kerb. There could have been a child there.

"It is a joke. It is dangerous. There is about 120 metres of potholed road between the two estates, It was supposed to be temporary, but the original entrance was never built.

"Even just filling in the potholes would be a help. It needs to be done urgently.

"We all pay property tax and road tax, but this is what we come home to every evening," he said.

There are plans for a link road between the Dublin and Trim Road areas, which will pass the Limekiln Wood estate. During that process the council will develop original entrance, but this could take up to two years.

The Mayor of Navan, Cllr Edward Fennessy said: "The only victims in all of this mess are the property owners. There are up to 200 houses on the estate and each one of them pay property tax. "Almost all of those households also pay road tax. They've all taken mortgages out to purchase their homes. All they're looking for is a safe access road onto the estate.

"The council's position is understandable, they have no responsibility for Limekiln Wood until they've developed the link road between the Dublin and Trim Roads, and the estate has been taken into their charge.

"The developers repaired the road up until recently. They owe it to the residents to continue that arrangement until the council have assumed responsibility for the estate.

"Families purchased homes from the developers in good faith. It is only right that they be treated with a little fairness."

At a meeting of Navan Municipal Council earlier this year, Cllr Fennessy called on the Executive to carry out remedial resurface road works at the entrance of the estate.

He was told Limekiln Wood was not currently in the charge of Meath County Council and works on this development can’t take place until the taking in charge process is complete.

Meath County Council was approached for comment. Cusack Homes has gone into liquidation.