An artist impression of how the junction at the Dales will look after the works which include the installation of traffic lights.

Dunshaughlin public realm upgrade plans on display

Two proposals that are set to improve the streetscape of Dunshaughlin and make the town more pedestrian friendly are now on public display.

Meath County Council has brought forward plans for public realm upgrade works along the Main Street which include installing traffic lights on the busy junction with the Gables Shopping Centre.

Separate plans for the renovation and extension of the old courthouse building into a multi-purpose community facility are also being brought forward and went on public display on Monday.

The proposed public realm upgrade works will take place along the Main Street from its junction with Supple Hall to its junction with the Bungalows, and along The Dales from its junction with Main Street to a point 200m west.

Its includes streetscape upgrades, carriageway realignment works, junction upgrades with traffic lights to be installed at the Main Street/The Dales Junction.

Also included in the proposal are traffic calming and pedestrian crossing measures, the provision of new and upgraded pedestrian facilities, active travel infrastructure, rationalised street parking and accessible spaces, public lighting works and associated works.

The improvements will make the town more pedestrian friendly and provide additional crossings to make it easier to cross the busy R147.

The plans are on public display until 18th September at Meath16 County Council Offices at Buvinda House in Navan and also locally in the Dunshaughlin Civic Offices and Dunshaughlin Library, as well as online at

Submissions can be made until 2nd October.

A separate part eight planning application is now on public display to upgrade the former courthouse building and create a focal point for the village in the area to the front of the building.

The plans include the conservation, renovation and extension of the courthouse building which is a protected structure which will become a multi-purpose community facility.

The forecourt area will be enhanced along with the public road and footpaths to the front of the courthouse and the adjoining garda station to create a focal point for the local community and the 'Spring to Autumn' artwork will be relocated within the forecourt.

The plans will be on public display until 2nd October in Meath County Council's Offices at Buvinda House in Navan and locally at the Dunshaughlin Civic Offices, as well as online at Submissions can be made until 16th October.