Clonard athlete Liam Foley takes gold!

Gold medal winner Liam Foley's success at the SUDS European Championships

Hannah McNamara

Clonard athlete Liam Foley who competed in this year's Sport Union for Athletes with Down Syndrome European Championships is a gold medal winner!

The 26 year old competitor won gold in the 1500m event on Friday in 6:32 just beating the Italian athlete on the line. Being almost a lap distance away from the lead runner, Liam burst into life in the final lap, taking first place.

Liam's incredible victory in the 1500m race can be viewed here.

On Saturday he not only won the 800m race in 2:55 but also set a new European record in the event.

The triathlon event which included 100m, long jump and shot put saw Liam place fourth, just behind his teammate Fergus Cosgrove who won the bronze medal.

Liam's weekend success consisted of taking gold in the 1500m and making history with his new European record!

Liam Foley takes gold at the Down Syndrome European Championships!

In 2021 Down Syndrome Louth Meath set up Louth Meath Warrior Wolves with the aim of encouraging sport participation. Liam was selected in May 2023 by team leader Tessa van Heerden to compete in Italy. Track events were completely new for Liam but with the support of Trim AC coaches John Rowe and Trish Duffy, he developed his track skills over the summer. He continued his regular distance training with Trim AC coach Mark Ginnerty.

Since 2018, Liam has been taking part in road races from 5k to half marathons after joining Trim Athletic Club. Having the opportunity to race at track and field events such SUDS European Championships, is new and exciting for him.

Throughout his life Liam has taken part in sport at every opportunity and holds many local sports clubs in high regard. Killyon and Clonard GAA club, Special Olympics clubs in Mullingar and Trim, Killyon badminton and Special Hands in Kells were a huge part of his early years.