The men are currently being interviewed at Navan Garda Station

Two arrests made by Gardai investigating attack on construction workers

Two arrests were made this morning by Gardai investigating the shocking attack on two construction workers in Navan last week.

Two men in their thirties were arrested early this morning. One of the men was men was arrested in Navan, while the second was arrested in Trim.

Both men are currently in custody in Navan Garda Station where they are being interviewed in relation to the incident at Navan's Trimgate Street on Wednesday of last week.

The arrests were made under the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act.

CCTV footage of the violent attack, which went viral last week, prompted widespread condemnation. The incident took place outside Tierney's Shop at the bottom of Trimgate Street where Navan 2030 works are ongoing.

John Cradock, managing director of John Cradock Ltd, which employs the two men said he was "dumbfounded" and that the company had been in business for 35 years and had never seen anything remotely like this happen before.

CCTV footage, which was widely shared on social media, shows the two men walk past the shop and get irate when they can't go any further. They move the barriers cordoning off the building site area and when they builders tell them they can't go that way, they can be heard shouting expletives at them.

One of the men proceeds to pick up a pipe and throws it at a construction worker and an altercation ensues. During the clip, the man can also be seen picking up a brush and also grabbing a hammer and swinging it at a worker.

It is understood that one of the workers suffered an arm injury and attended Cavan Hospital for an x-ray. The other worker was not injured and returned to work the next day.