Man appears in court charged with 'drug intimidation' assault in Dublin

Tom Tuite

A roofer accused of a “drug intimidation” unprovoked assault on a man in front of his elderly grandmother in Dublin has been held on €13,000 bail.

Philip McGrane (23), from Stannaway Road, Crumlin, was charged with assault causing harm outside a Supervalu shop at Sundrive Road on Monday.

The accused appeared before Judge Paula Murphy at Dublin District Court on Tuesday.

Garda David Costigan objected to bail based on concerns of witness interference and due to the seriousness of the case.

He said the incident happened at about 1.30pm when a man was “the victim of an unprovoked attack”.

The contested bail hearing was told the man was punched in the face and then kicked. It was also alleged that the attacker then threatened the victim's grandmother (78) who witnessed the incident.

The court heard the injured man suffered facial injuries and had a large swelling over his left eye, while the attacker “made no attempt to conceal his face”.

Garda Costigan claimed there was also CCTV evidence and that the accused discarded some of his clothes when he fled the scene. He also said there had been intimidation of the injured party in recent weeks and he feared it would escalate.

The man was brought to hospital and still has not made a statement to Gardaí.

Garda Costigan said the case was related to “drug intimidation” and added there could be further charges.

The garda also said he thought the case could be sent to the Circuit Court, which has broader sentencing powers.

The accused made no comment when arrested and interviewed, and the court heard a file is yet to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The garda did not accept that the accused had been living at an address he gave on the South Circular Road. However, defence solicitor Paddy McGarry said his client insisted he lived there.

The garda agreed that no statements had been taken and witnesses were not at the bail hearing.

Mr McGarry asked the court to note that the case could stay in the District Court due to the description of the injuries.

Judge Murphy said it was a serious matter, noting the accused had the presumption of innocence.

The judge added that the Garda concerns could be addressed with bail conditions.

Judge Murphy set bail in Mr McGrane’s bond of €3,000, of which a third must be lodged, and a €10,000 independent surety has to be approved.

Once bail has been taken up, the accused must sign on daily at a Garda station, obey a curfew, have no contact with witnesses, stay out of Dublin 12 and be contactable by phone at all times.

She remanded him in custody with consent to bail, pending the DPP’s directions.

Mr McGrane will face his next hearing on Friday and his legal aid application was deferred for a statement of means to be prepared.