'Everyday is a struggle for him because the house is too small'
A DESPERATE mother from Trim who has been on a waiting list for a house transfer for the past three years is pleading for the council to take urgent action to find a suitable home for her four-year-old son with special needs.
Yvonne Hogan (45), found out at six months pregnant that son Troy had spina bifida, tragically Yvonne lost a baby to the same condition at just two-months-old.
Although being devastated to find out a second child had spina bifida, Yvonne has been trying to give her son the best quality of life possible but describes it as a “daily struggle.”
The home she has been living in with her partner and three children for the past ten years is too small to accommodate little Troy who is a wheelchair user according to Yvonne.
The mum of five says being forced to carry her son up and down the stairs, every day is leaving her “exhausted” and having to catheterise little Troy on a couch as a result of having no sterile area to carry it out.
“The house is too small, the hall is too narrow, Troy has to go to the end of the hall and try and turn his chair and come back up. He gets frustrated because he's banging into doors.
Yvonne Hogan with little Troy (4)
“I am doing his bowel washes in a bedroom when I should be doing them in a sterile environment like a bathroom but there is not enough room so he's at risk of infection. I also have to drain his kidneys four times a day and I have been doing that on a couch for the past four years. It’s a disgrace.
“His equipment, wheelchair and walking frame will be getting bigger as he gets older. I had to go for a smaller chair this year just so I could get him around the house.
“Enable Ireland is saying to me that he needs to be more motivated so I put him into playschool but when he comes home he can't go anywhere really except the kitchen but that's quite dangerous because he can reach the stove and turn on the cookers.
“It's a no-win battle day in and day out.”
The worn-out mum-of-six describes how her current living situation is affecting both her and Troy.
“Enable Ireland got us a bath chair but it doesn't fit so because he has no balance you have to hold him in the bath, bend over, wash him and try and get him out, carry him out into the bedroom and try and dress him.
“It is aching on your back. He doesn't sleep through the night so I have to turn him because of the high lesion on his back. I haven't had a night's sleep in four years.
“He is getting bigger and heavier and it's only going to get worse. We really need a bungalow.
“He has no mobility to move around and we need those shoulders to be a bit stronger for him to lift himself out of the chair and on to the couch but we can't do any of that because we haven't got the room.”
Yvonne describes the heart-wrenching moment she discovered that Troy also had the condition that took her first son Dylan's life.
“I found out that he had Spina bifida when I was five or six months pregnant. Dylan died from complications with Spina bifida when he was two-months-old, he'd be 24 now if he was alive. I didn't think it could happen again.
“My world just went upside down after that.
“I was devastated when I found it Troy had it because I said to myself, I'll have to through this all again, all I will be left with is a coffin again. But thank god he pulled through.
“He had three operations when he was born. He was in and out for hospital for months.
“He got a bowel infection and was rushed to intensive care when he was five weeks old.
“He went into cardiac arrest three times. It was the worst time of my life.
Brave Troy has also had to have two major surgeries in his short life to have a shunt inserted to drain fluid from the brain and protect it from too much pressure.
Hydrocephalus occurs in many babies born with Spina bifida. The extra fluid can cause the spaces in the brain, called ventricles, to become too large causing the head to swell.
“The council said that they could build on an extension on the ground floor for Troy but because he went into cardiac arrest in the past he has to be beside me at all times.
“They said they'd give us a stairlift but he can't sit on a seat because he has a high lesion on his back.
“Enable Ireland has sent the council letters, Temple Street has sent them letters but I'm getting nowhere.
“I'm going to keep fighting for Troy, I'm not going away.”
Meath County Council has been contacted for comment.